Who says animals don’t have personalities, eh?
And, consider that if they have personalities, they likely have a soul.
I know from my experiences with pets, that every one of them has their own little personalities be it quirky, funny, expressive, mellow, or hyper!
Cindy had been a bit of a bully to her brother; her brother having been just a calm, relaxed version of Cindy. It was bizarre how some animals just didn’t want company. Cindy and her brother had been together since they’d been litter mates but when Cindy got older, she wanted nothing at all to do with her brother.
Sammy had been so sweet and had just let his sister do whatever she’d needed to do. But eventually, I’d given Sammy to my brother and it had been a good fit. Sammy had still remained mellow but my brother had been so happy to have a dog!
But Cindy had been a very good protector. She’d had a good sense about people.
If she didn’t like someone, she barked and growled and it had been so intense that people said they’d had chills. Other times, someone could stand right next to her kennel and not even know she’d been there because she watched but hadn’t made a sound.
I think Sammy would have been like one of those older gentlemen who sat on the front porch in a rocking chair, puffing on a pipe, just listening to the wind in the grass for hours.
Cindy … she’d been like a Marine; battling through the jungles on a quest of keeping the others in the platoon, safe. Really, I could say she epitomized Semper Fidelis.
She’d been a great watchdog and amazing friend!